Each year in January the leadership of St. Thomas Church is renewed. The Priest -in-charge appoints the Rector's Warden and at annual meeting of the church membership, the Select Vestry is elected.This group meets monthly to manage the affairs of the church.
The following is the current members of Select Vestry:
Rev. Norm Wesley, Priest in charge
Philip Sutherland Sr., Rector's Warden
Grace Delaney, People's Warden
Viriginia Hester, Secretary
Cheryl Chilton, Treasurer
Daniel Prevost
Melanie Wesley- Hardisty
Don Faries
Bertha Faries
Eleanor McLeod
Frances Sutherland
Marion Maybee
The 2013 Select Vestry:
Rev. Canon Edna Murdy, Priest in charge
Caroline Chum, Rector's Warden
Grace Delaney. People's Warden
Pauline Corston, Secretary
Cheryl Chilton, Treasurer
Rev. Norm Wesley
Ann Tomatuk
Virginia Hester
Don Faries
Bertha Faries
Eleanor McLeod
Gertie Johnstone
Frances Sutherland
Marion Maybee
The Select Vestry