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The Womens Auxillary - Senoirs
The WA Seniors group is the remnants of the devout group of ladies from the generation of Old St. Thomas Church. Not as active as they once were they gather on occasion to sew and fundraise for their group and for the .
The highlight of the year is attending the annual Ladies Auxillary Meeting of the Dioecse where they get to meet old friends and make new ones.
The Women's Auxilary - "Iskwaywuk"
This is the new breed . . .of "Iskwaywuk". . . in Cree meaning ladies. They are actively involved in fundraising for their group and community drives that they take a lead role in - the big one being the "Elders Christmas Basket Campaign " where a Christmas hamper is delivered to the home of all the seniors on Moose Factory.
New members are always weclome.
The Ladies Groups
The ladies of St. Thomas is the backbone of our Church. They are actively involved in many apsects of the lfe of the church and the life of the communty. Like Martha in the Bible, they strive to emuate the commitment to God through Christ in active service.
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